Definition HTML is a standard markup language that is used in creating web pages. In other words, we can say that HTML is just a
Author: Collins Wekesa
How To Install Great-Suspender in Chrome
When browsing, efficiency and effecting loading of the computer is what user will ever expect on any computer. Many internet users prefer using chrome, a
How To Create Tables in MySQL Database With PHP
In this article, we are going to learn how to create table in to mysql database without directly interacting with with database itself. We are
How to Create HTML Login Page With Bootstrap.
When creating an interface, styling seems hectic and even annoying to some. Styling is the what gives your page beauty and attractive to user. In
How to Create simple register and login page with PHP-OOP and MySQL | Part 1.
In this tutorial, we are going to create a register page that allows user to enter data and submit to MySQL database with PHP as
How to Install MySQL CLient on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
MySQL Client is a shell. It enable you access you access and manage MySQL database remotely. In this case, MySQL is not installed on your
How To Create Simple Login Page With HTML PHP and MySQL.
In my past tutorial, Register and Login Page With PHP-OOP and MySQL | Part 1, we only managed to create a page that allow user
How to Import and Export MySQL Database With phpMyAdmin.
Export. Importing simply means bringing in, installing or mining from external source. In the context of on development, importing is the process of acquiring data